Confidential PC Consulting Software Installations & Updates


Clyde Byrd
  • Confidential PC Consulting
  • Technical Support in-person, via phone or remote
  • One on one tutoring, classes and individual
  • Trouble Shooting
  • Document, Photo & General File Maintenance
  • Security Solutions
  • Software Installations & Updates
  • Password Management
  • Printer Solutions
  • New Developments and Technologies
  • Advice about Hardware and Softwar
  • Printing, Installation
  • Word Processing, Spreadsheets, and Email
  • Help in finding/purchasing new equipment
  • Local References
  • Retired from full time IT management after 38 years in DC, Clyde came to the North Carolina Mountains to play music. However, he found that his IT abilities are in demand here, too! 

    Consider calling when you have an “issue.” He is known for his patience and PC knowledge. Clyde specializes in home-based installations and in helping people of all levels of expertise.  If you have just started with a PC, or if you have used one for years but never been properly taught, this is the man for you.

    Students at Mayland Community College, where he has been teaching for the past 5 years, give him 5-star ratings. Comments over the years have included:

    “The best teacher ever! I have learned more in one class than I did in a whole semester, before.”

    “This man can make it understandable, and he was wonderfully patient with me.”
    (And feedback from private consultation)
    “Great guy! What a sense of humor! He makes the fear and panic just disappear…”

    “Always available… I absolutely love this guy! He makes it understandable and interesting.”

    “Call Clyde instead of frustrating yourself…”

    Prices: $35/hour ($25/hour - friends and family rate)

    For more information, call/text: 301-602-0000
    or email:
    email me
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